André Spears was born and raised in New York City, and since the late 1970s has lived with his wife in Greenwich Village, where they raised their family. He is the author of Xo: A Tale for the New Atlantis (1983) and, from work in progress, Letters from Mu (Part I) (2000); Fragments from Mu: A Sequel (2007); Nexus of Evil: Late Fragments, 1-7 (2009); XIII: Ship of State (2019). From the Lost Land (I-XII), a print re-issue of Xo, and Shrinkrap: Litany in Quadraphony were published by BlazeVOX in 2020. All titles are available from Amazon.
Other work includes a collaboration with the French artist Scanreigh on the artist’s books Lost in Space and United States. Academic publications include articles in Comparative Literature (“Evolution in Context: ‘Deep Time,’ Archaeology and the Post-Romantic Paradigm,” Fall 1996 and The Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (“Warlords of Atlantis: Chasing the Demon of Analogy in America(s) of Lawrence, Artaud, and Olson,” 28.2-3, June-September 2001; republished online in OlsonNow, together with “Re: Sun @ Aquarius (Harmolodic projeKct for Charles Olson),” which originally appeared in Shifter #10. His work has appeared in House Organ (#74, 78, 81, 84, 88, 90); Cough (#3, 7, 8, 9); BlazeVOX 16, 17; Dispatches from the Poetry Wars (2016 – 2017– 2018 – 2019) and the anthologies Resist Much / Obey Little and Poetics for the More than Human World. Readings from the work in progress From the Lost Land were recorded at the Cloudburst Council (2012); the Gloucester Writers Center (2015), (2016); Xit the Bear (2018).
A review of the Miles Davis exhibit “We Want Miles” at the Cité de la Musique in Paris appears in the online journal Sibila under the rubric “Hotel Kafka”.
Translation, a collaboration with photographer Anne Rosén, was published by Voix Editions in 2010, as was the 2011 “matchbook” collaboration Arcadia (Para Walter Benjamin).
The author is the director of the Maud/Olson Library and a co-founder of the Gloucester Writers Center.
He is a sensei in Seido karate and a former executive editor at the now archived Dispatches from the Poetry Wars.

En Terre Perdue: Extraits d’une œuvre en cours is a translation by the author into French of Letters from Mu (Part I) to which a Post-Scriptum and new drawings by Gilgian Gelzer have been added. It was published as an artist’s book in 2013 by Richard Meier (Voix Editions) in a large-format edition of 14 numbered copies, together with a reprinted version of the English-language work. The matching two-volume set contains original drawings by the artist on the inside covers of both books.

Letters from Mu (Part I) / Mu Counterpoint was published as an artist’s book in France in 2000 with over 50 drawings by the Swiss artist Gilgian Gelzer. Excerpts from this work in progress appear in First Intensity (#12, Spring 1999) and Pierogi Press (#9, Fall 2002). The book is available through Printed Matter or directly from the publisher.

Xo: A Tale for the New Atlantis was privately published in 1983 under the imprint of Pangaea Press and produced in an edition of five hundred copies by the Print Center, a non-profit printing facility in Brooklyn, New York. It was republished as a “virtual chapbook” by Dispatches Editions in 2019.
